This document wish to provide an extensive documentation for users of the Wikibase OI, introducing some best practices for the Wikibase items and properties and MediaWiki pages and their syntax. Furthermore, we are going to provide some SPARQL queries templates.
Wikibase data model
Description and aliases
The Linked Open Data main principle is to connect information stored in different institutions on the Web by reconciling objects through their unique URIs.
Wikibase allows the creation of special statements, “Identifiers” as they are called in Wikidata, to relate items with the outside world.
Examples of such properties are the Wikidata Entity (P2), Wikidata Property (P3) and the GeoNames ID (P5).
Properties can have different data types, according to the kind of information a subject (Item) is related via the given predicate (Property) to the object (Value).
Here a list of relevant data types with examples of properties:
Data types
MediaWiki pages
Complementary to Wikibase entities and properties, Wikibase OI provides users to record information about their research in more human-readable wiki pages, like the popular Wikipedia.
Wikitext syntax
Wikitext is a markup language used by MediaWiki to generate rich texts with layout and hyperlinks.